
Bowrider Donations

Donate Your Vehicle and Save Lives!

Bowrider Donations: Lend a Helping Hand to Breast Cancer Sufferers

Do you have an ancient bowrider that has been rotting away in a storage house somewhere in your city? Instead of punishing yourself and spending nonstop for its costly insurance coverage and storage fees, how about simply removing such burden in your life by donating it to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations? Doing so will also give you an opportunity to do something extraordinary – saving the lives of breast cancer victims in your area.

If you’re not aware yet, we at Breast Cancer Car Donations serve as an online platform for reputable IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that are committed to providing comprehensive breast health assistance to various communities throughout the country. We sell at auction all types of watercraft and other vehicles donated to us by our kind-hearted donors. We then use the proceeds to support the critical programs and services of our charity partners. These nonprofits cater to breast cancer patients with little to no access to health care.


How Your Bowrider Donation Will Benefit the Needy

Thanks to the funding they receive from our bowrider and other vehicle donation programs, our nonprofit partners are able to deliver the following services to their beneficiaries;

  • Providing financial assistance to uninsured and underprivileged breast cancer patients who can’t afford the high cost of treatment;
  • Giving breast cancer patients free access to a wide range of breast health services and resources;
  • Raising public awareness on the importance of early detection and prevention of breast cancer;
  • Offering emotional support to patients and their families;
  • Hosting fundraisers for the benefit of breast cancer patients and their families; and
  • Helping fund research on breast cancer treatment.


What You Should Know About Our Donation Process

If you’re planning to donate your bowrider to a charity platform that offers top quality service, then you’ve come to the right place. At Breast Cancer Car Donations, we always place the needs of our donors first. Hence, we’ve come up with a donation process that’s extremely convenient for them.

You can count on our team to handle everything for you – including all the paperwork and your boat’s free pickup from any place in the country.

Here’s what’s going to happen when you choose to take part in our bowrider donations program:

1. Get in touch with us.

Tell us about yourself and your boat by calling us at 866-540-5069 or by completely filling out our donation form on this website. This won’t take more than five minutes of your time.

2. Have your bowrider picked up for FREE.

We’ll need you to give us your preferred day, time, and location for your boat’s pickup. Don’t worry about the cost because we won’t require you to pay for anything. We’ll then ask a licensed towing company to haul off your vessel. Before your bowrider is picked up, we’ll issue you a donation receipt that releases you from all liability pertaining to your boat from that point onward.

3. Receive your tax-deductible receipt.

Our team will thoroughly assess your bowrider before sending it to an affiliate auction house. We’ll make sure that your boat will sell at its highest possible price so you can claim a maximized tax deduction.

Within 30 days following the sale of your boat, we’ll send you your 100-percent tax-deductible sales receipt by mail. You’ll need this document in itemizing your deductions when you file your federal income tax return in the next tax season.

Do you want to know more about how everything works or how your donation can benefit you? If so, feel free to check out our FAQs page. You may also call us at 866-540-5069 or leave us a message online.


Perks to Expect When You Make a Bowrider Donation

While making a charitable contribution will already bring you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction like no other, it’s even better when you do it with us since you’ll get rewarded abundantly.

When you decide to participate in our bowrider donations program, you’ll receive the following benefits:

  • Get the highest possible tax deduction.
  • Dispose of an unneeded bowrider without having to shell out cash from your pocket.
  • Leave all the paperwork to us.
  • Skip the headaches of advertising, selling, and negotiating with prospective buyers.
  • We tow your vessel at your own convenience.
  • Save big bucks when you finally stop paying for your boat’s insurance, maintenance, and storage fees.
  • Use your bowrider donation to support prominent nonprofit organizations that are at the forefront of the ongoing campaign against breast cancer.


We Accept Other Boat and Vehicle Donations

At Breast Cancer Car Donations, our doors are open to all other boat and vehicle donations. We welcome Boston Whalers. center consoles, cuddy cabins, Chris Craft boats, fishing boats, tugboats, speedboats, pontoon boats, yachts, cruise ships, catamaran boats, and sailboats among others. To find out the other types of vehicles that you can donate to us, feel free to visit our Accepted Vehicles page.

In most cases, we accept even watercraft and other vehicles that are no longer working properly.

Let’s Save Lives Today!

There’s nothing more rewarding than being able to help breast cancer patients triumph in their battle for survival against the devastating disease. You can make a difference in their lives with your bowrider donation. Call us at 866-5405069 or fill out our online donation form to get started with your donation now!


Last Updated: February 20th, 2023

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