What Is Usually The First Sign of Breast Cancer?

What Is Usually The First Sign of Breast Cancer | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Alexander Dummer under Pexels License 

The Earlier Breast Cancer Is Detected, the Better Your Chances of Survival

How does one know if the sharp pain they feel in their chest is a sign of something serious? Perhaps you’ve noticed some tenderness in your breast and when you touched it, you felt a small lump. These signs often compel people to schedule an appointment with their doctor right away.

The first signs of breast cancer could be anything from a lump to changes in the skin to swelling in the breast area. However, it’s also possible for someone who has breast cancer to experience no obvious symptoms at all. Some women with breast cancer don’t even notice anything unusual until their doctors discover abnormal growths in their breasts during their routine screening mammograms.


What Are the Early Signs of Breast Cancer?

It’s important to note that breast cancer at its earliest stage usually shows no symptoms. However, as the tumor increases in size, certain symptoms begin to show. Here’s a list of the early signs of breast cancer:

1. Lump in the underarm or breast

In most cases, the first sign of breast cancer is a lump that could be hard or soft, with uneven edges or rounded, and painless or tender in the underarm or breast areas. This kind of lump doesn’t go away even after the woman’s menstrual period is over. A prickly sensation may also be felt around the lump. Long before the lump can be seen or felt, it can already be detected on a mammogram.

2. Pain or tenderness in the breast

Lumps that are associated with breast cancer are often painless. However, pain or tenderness that’s felt around the area of the breast could also be one of the first signs of breast cancer.

3. Swelling in the areas of the breast, armpit or collarbone

Another early sign of breast cancer is the swelling in areas of the breast, armpit or collarbone. This implies that the cancer cells have already invaded the patient’s lymph nodes in that specific location. If you’re experiencing this symptom, be sure to see your doctor immediately because this could be a sign of an aggressive type of breast cancer.

4. Changes in the nipple

The first few signs of breast cancer could also involve changes in the nipple. It’s best to talk to your doctor right away if you notice your nipple get dimpled, pulled inward, develop sores, or produce an unusual discharge that could be bloody or clear or if you feel itchy or with a burning sensation in your nipple.


Early Detection Is Important

Keep in mind that if breast cancer is caught early, an individual’s chances of surviving the disease are greater. It’s best to combine mammography with breast self-exams, as well as clinical breast exams to increase your chances of detecting breast cancer at the earliest time possible.


Do You Care for Needy Breast Cancer Patients in Your Area?

If you care for the uninsured and underserved women in your community who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, consider donating any vehicle you can spare to Breast Cancer Car Donations. We will sell your vehicle through auction and use the generated funds to support our nonprofit partners.

These are IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations that provide their beneficiaries with financial assistance, easy access to medical facilities for their treatment, counseling, breast cancer screening, and other breast cancer prevention and education services.

You’ll also benefit from your charitable contribution since it will make you eligible to receive a maximized tax deduction in the next tax season. Moreover, we’ll provide you with our free pick-up and towing services wherever you are located in the United States.

You can donate not just your battered commuter car but nearly any other type of vehicle that you have regardless of its condition.

For more information, make your way to our FAQs page. If you have questions or concerns, call us at 866-540-5069 or leave us a message here.


Help Save Those Precious Lives Today!

Think of the precious lives you can help save by giving away a vehicle that you no longer need anyway. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: August 17th, 2023
