What is a Lumpectomy?

Woman in Blue Dress Shirt Wearing Blue Mask and White Latex Gloves | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Anna Shvets under Pexels License 

Here’s Everything You Need to Know About This Breast-Conserving Surgery Option

Lumpectomy is a type of surgery where a small breast tumor or other abnormal breast tissue is removed with minimal skin damage. It is also known as breast-conserving surgery, partial mastectomy, or wide local excision.

Unlike in a mastectomy, in a lumpectomy, the doctor only removes a portion of the breast, maintaining its appearance.

Lumpectomy is used to treat small, early-stage breast cancer tumors. That is why it’s usually the first option for women who are diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. If cancer is detected, doctors perform radiation therapy following the procedure. In some cases, they would opt for chemotherapy or hormone treatment.

The surgery normally takes an hour or two to complete. Patients may choose between local anesthesia and general anesthesia.


Ideal Candidates for Lumpectomy

Doctors recommend lumpectomy for women who:

  • Have a small breast tumor (less than 5 centimeters in diameter)
  • Have enough tissue that wouldn’t result in a deformed breast once the surrounding breast tissue is removed
  • Are healthy and medically able


When Lumpectomy Is Not Advisable

Lumpectomy may not be right for you if you have any of the following:

  • Lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease which can worsen from radiation
  • Scleroderma, a condition that hardens your skin, making the healing process after surgery difficult
  • Have undergone past radiation treatment on your breast
  • Two or more tumors in different areas of your breast that cannot be removed with a single wide excision
  • A huge tumor and small breasts
  • Cancer that has spread throughout your breast and overlying skin
  • No access to radiation therapy


Risks of Lumpectomy

As with all other surgical procedures, lumpectomy comes with possible side effects such as:

  • Pain
  • Infection
  • Temporary swelling
  • Bleeding
  • Hard scar tissue at the surgical site
  • Tenderness
  • Changes in the shape or form of your breast


Ways to Reduce Risks of Complications

While sticking to your treatment plan is the best way to prevent complications, these steps are also important:

  • Follow lifestyle, activity, and dietary restrictions before and after surgery.
  • Take your prescribed medications as instructed.
  • Inform your doctor if you’re nursing or pregnant.
  • Notify your doctor immediately if you experience fever, swelling, bleeding, increase in pain, wound redness, or drainage.
  • Let your care team know of any allergies you may have.


Support Destitute Breast Cancer Patients in Your Community

Lumpectomy is just one of several methods for treating breast cancer. Unfortunately, many breast cancer patients face the grim prospects of dying without getting proper treatment simply because whatever money they have is not enough to pay for the high cost of treatment.

How about extending a lifeline to these hapless breast cancer victims? You can do this act of charity without having to pull out your wallet. All you have to do is get in touch with us at Breast Cancer Car Donations and donate to us any vehicle you have that you no longer need.

Once we get hold of your vehicle, we’ll put it up for auction to generate funds for our breast cancer-focused nonprofit partners. All proceeds will be transferred to these charities, enabling them to support their beneficiaries through the comprehensive breast health services that they offer. Thanks to your contribution, uninsured women in your area will be able to gain access to cancer facilities where they can undergo breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and full treatment.

You’ll be amply rewarded for your charitable contribution. We’ll send you a 100% tax-deductible sales receipt a few weeks after the auction of your vehicle. You can use this receipt to claim your maximized tax write-off in the next tax season.

We’ll also provide you with our free towing service. We can collect your donation wherever you’re located in the United States since we have branches in all 50 states. We’ll also handle all paperwork on your behalf. Trust us, we got your back!

All these material perks may pale in comparison to the greatest reward you’ll get for your act of charity: the priceless feeling of joy and satisfaction for doing something that can help save lives.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at 866-540-5069 or message us here. You may also check out our FAQs page to learn more about our car donation program.


Help Save Lives Now!

A simple vehicle donation is all it would take to leave a lasting impact on the lives of breast cancer victims and their families in your area. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online form now!


Last Updated: September 28th, 2023
