What Are Granular Cell Tumors?

doctor discusses medical information with a teenage girl | Donations

Photo by National Cancer Institute under Unsplash License 

Essential Things You Should Know About This Condition

People generally panic at the term “tumor” because it’s a word often associated with cancer. However, not all tumors are cancerous.

A tumor is defined as a mass or lump of tissue that may resemble swelling. It is formed when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should.

On the other hand, cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body.

There are three types of tumors — benign, premalignant, and malignant. Benign tumors are growths that are not harmful to the body. Premalignant tumors are those that have the potential to be cancerous while malignant tumors are cancerous and can spread to other parts of the body.


Understanding Granular Cell Tumor

The term granular cell tumor sounds daunting, but in most cases, it’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s a generally benign and uncommon form of tumor.

The tumor is a solitary nodule with a smooth or slightly rough surface that appears on the skin. It’s around 1 to 3 centimeters in diameter. Patients with this condition complain of itchiness or tenderness of the affected skin area.

Granular cell tumors, previously known as granular cell myoblastoma, got its name because of how it appears under a microscope.

Granular cell tumors often appear on the head and neck of a person. In rare cases, the tumor can appear on the tongue.


How Is Granular Cell Tumor Diagnosed?

While a granular cell tumor is normally visible to the naked eye, doctors recommend a skin biopsy to confirm it. Histopathology helps reveal the characteristic granules within the cytoplasm of large tumor cells.

Granular cell tumors can also be diagnosed with mammography, ultrasound, and MRI when the growths occur on the breast. According to a study, this may pose a diagnostic challenge because the tumors can present characteristics mimicking malignancy.

Doctors typically recommend surgical excision of the tumor before they proceed with further treatment if needed.

The good news is that 98% of granular cell tumors are benign and could simply be treated with complete excision. However, there is still a small chance that the tumor can become malignant. That’s why patients with this condition need to maintain vigilance and closely monitor the affected area of their skin together with doctors to prevent further complications.


How You Can Help Women Suffering from Breast Cancer

Getting diagnosed with breast cancer is a shocking and frightening experience. The life-threatening disease afflicts hundreds of thousands of women in the United States every year. Even in your community, there may be some residents who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Sadly, many breast cancer patients are uninsured and don’t have the financial capacity to pay for the high cost of cancer treatment.

But all hope is not lost. You can easily help needy patients in their battle against the disease. If you have a vehicle that you no longer use, that’s all you need to help save their lives. All you have to do is donate that vehicle to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll use it for the benefit of the indigent breast cancer patients in your area.

We will auction off your donation and use the proceeds to support the critical breast health services being rendered by our breast cancer-focused charity partners. These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding to provide impoverished breast cancer patients with easy access to top medical facilities as well as financial assistance to cover the cost of their treatments, physician visits, medications, and follow-up care. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening and prevention and education services.

As a donor, you will be entitled to a top tax deduction. Expect to receive via mail the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your car within 30 days after we sell it. With this receipt, you can claim your tax write-off in the next tax season.

You will also benefit from our free pickup and towing service, which you can avail yourself of wherever you’re residing in the country.

Even more valuable than those material perks, you’ll get to experience the joy and satisfaction of making a charitable act that can help save lives.

We welcome almost all types of vehicles, even damaged ones.

If you’re interested to learn more about our donation program, including our quick and easy donation process, just visit our FAQs page. For your inquiries and concerns, call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069. You may also leave us a message here.


Support Their Battle for Survival Today!

You can help breast cancer patients win their battle for survival. Take action and support our cause today. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form to make your car donation now!


Last Updated: October 2nd, 2023
