Summertime Road Trip Checklist

Person Wearing Beige Sweater Holding Map Inside Vehicle | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Dominika Roseclay under Pexels License 

9 Items to Bring for a Hassle-Free Adventure

With the changing landscape of travel as we move toward the end of the pandemic, many of us have turned to road trips as a means to bond and unwind.

A survey by Outdoorsy shows that 92% of Americans plan to take road trips this year either with friends or family members. Of this number, 22% say they will hit the road using RVs for the first time. Many see their planned road trip as a means to take a break from work while some say they will take their work with them, an option made possible by remote work setups.

If you’re one of those who plan to take your adventure on the road this summer, you may want to prepare a checklist so you don’t miss anything. Here are some of the things you may want to include.

1. Maps

You may have a GPS tracking device on your car, but you still need a map of the location you are traveling to just in case you need to take a detour or want to go exploring. Maps don’t take up much space, so including them in your RV or car compartment won’t be too much of a hassle.

2. Travel apps

Download travel apps to keep yourself updated on recent developments in the area where you’re going. Travel apps can also suggest additional locations where you can make stopovers to make the most out of your trip. They can also give you weather updates to help you prepare for the trip.

3. Food

Depending on the time you expect to be on the road, make sure you bring enough food supplies for your entire gang. Aside from regular packed meals, also bring snack items. Be mindful that travelers on the road for a long time tend to get hungry more often than others. You never know how long it will take you to get to the next fast food restaurant.

4. Toiletries and cleaning supplies

Even as we move toward the end of the pandemic, you should still bring along toiletries such as tissue paper, paper towels, cleaning wipes, hand sanitizer, and soap for hygiene and cleaning purposes.

5. First aid kit

You can never tell what can happen on the road, so you need to prepare for minor emergencies. Include in your first aid kit essential medicines for common ailments.

6. Clothing, pillows, and blankets

When you’re on the road, you’d want to get as comfy as possible, so make sure to pack your favorite pillows, blankets, and comfy clothes for summer.

7. Cameras

While most phones come with high-tech cameras already, you may want to unleash your inner shutterbug and bring your DSLR or Polaroid along for the ride. You can never have too many pictures on a road trip after all.

8. Electricity power inverter

This device helps you use your car battery power to charge devices like phones and laptops on the road.

9. Auto preparedness kit

Don’t forget to bring all the essential tools and safety devices in case you experience car trouble while on the road. You should have the tools for changing tires, flashlights, warning signs, and other safety items.



Turn Your Unwanted Vehicle into a Lifesaver for Breast Cancer Patients

If you have an old and unwanted RV or any other type of vehicle that’s just taking up space in your garage for the longest time, you may want to get rid of it to make room for a newer vehicle for your family’s next field trip.

You may now be wondering what’s the best way to dispose of that vehicle. How about using it to help save the lives of the needy breast cancer patients in your area?

You can do this by simply donating that vehicle to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll auction off your donated vehicle to provide funding for our IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit partners.

These charities are dedicated to helping patients who can’t afford the high costs of breast cancer treatments. They provide uninsured and destitute breast cancer patients with easy access to leading cancer centers in the country as well as financial assistance to cover the costs of their treatments, hospital fees, doctor consultations, medications, and other essential health care services. Our charity partners also provide free breast cancer screening and diagnosis as well as prevention and education services.

Donating to us will only take a couple of minutes of your time in the comfort of your home. Just contact us and let us know that you’re donating a vehicle. We’ll then arrange a time and place for the free towing of your vehicle wherever you had it parked or stored anywhere in the United States.

Your donation will also entitle you to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. We’ll send you your 100% tax-deductible sales receipt following the auction of your vehicle.

On top of the material rewards that will come your way, you’ll also experience the priceless joy and satisfaction of doing an act of charity that will help save lives.

You can donate not just a car but nearly any other type of vehicle regardless of its age or condition.

Got a question for us? Get in touch with us at 866-540-5069 or leave your message here. You may also browse through our FAQs page to learn more about our car donation program, including our quick and easy donation process.


Help Breast Cancer Sufferers Beat the Disease This Summer

This summer, give hope to the struggling breast cancer patients in your area. Your vehicle donation can help them beat the disease and enjoy a better tomorrow. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out this form now!


Last Updated: March 9th, 2023
