Summer Travel Tips For Breast Cancer Patients

Woman on a trip | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Leio McLaren under Unsplash License 

5 Summer Travel Tips for Breast Cancer Patients

Did you know that even if you’re undergoing breast cancer treatment, you can still manage to make your summer travels an enjoyable one? The key to help your travels go as safely and as smoothly as possible is a lot of careful planning. To help you do this, Breast Cancer Car Donations gives you the lowdown on the top 5 summer travel tips for breast cancer patients:

1. Inform your oncologist of your travel plans.

Before heading off to your travel destination, make sure that you’ve already talked with your oncologist about your travel plans. In some cases, you may be required to get a medical clearance for travel.

Aside from this, your doctor can recommend medical professionals at your travel destinations who can provide you with the best care if you become ill. Moreover, you can request your doctor for a referral letter that you can present at any cancer care facility in cases of emergency.

Also, if your travel destination requires live vaccinations that include tuberculosis and yellow fever, know that these aren’t recommended during chemotherapy or within the next six months after you complete the treatment because the bacteria and virus in these vaccines could lead to serious infections. Although inactivated vaccinations such as tetanus and diphtheria are considered safe after chemotherapy, they can also be less effective during the first six months after treatment because your immune system is weak.

2. Get the right travel insurance.

If you’re going abroad, you need to have the right travel insurance. Be aware that your holiday insurance won’t cover you for claims concerning your breast cancer, its treatment, or other pre-existing medical condition—unless you inform your insurance company about this when you purchase the policy. Take note that you can also find other insurance companies that specialize in policies for cancer patients or those with pre-existing medical conditions.

3. Take along extra medications.

In case you lose your checked-in baggage or experience any delays, make sure that you pack more than enough medication in your hand luggage to last your whole trip. Keep them in their original labeled containers with your name and the medication’s dosage. Also, bring extra copies of your prescription just in case you lose your medication.

4. If you have lymphedema, take extra care.

Keep in mind that if you have swelling or lymphedema, you must wear your compression garment during your trip. Instead of carrying hand baggage on your shoulder, try carrying it on your back. Don’t hesitate to request for the airline crew’s assistance if you need it.

5. Get enough rest.

Don’t overexert yourself. Whenever you feel the need to relax, sit or lie down for at least 15 to 20 minutes every few hours. This will help you recharge your batteries so you’ll have enough energy for your activities.

Do You Want to Help in Saving Lives?

If you want to help breast cancer patients in your community live longer and better lives, all you need to do is donate your unwanted vehicle to Breast Cancer Car Donations. You not only will get rid of a vehicle that you no longer need, but you’ll also help cover the cost of treatment and other breast health services for uninsured and disadvantaged breast cancer patients.

We’ll auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds from the sale to support our IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit partners in providing their beneficiaries with services such as financial assistance, counseling, therapies, early screening and detection, and treatment.

You will also personally benefit from your vehicle donation since you’ll get free towing services and a 100% tax-deductible sales receipt that will entitle to claim a top tax deduction in the next tax season. Furthermore, you’ll enjoy a most pleasant giving experience with our quick and convenient donation process where no paperwork is involved.

For more information on our car donation program, check out our FAQs page. For inquiries, you may call us at 866-540-5069 or send us a message online.

You can donate to Breast Cancer Car Donations by filling out our secure online donation form. We accept donations of nearly all types of vehicles wherever you are in the United States since we have car donation programs in all 50 states.

Do Something Extraordinary

Do something extraordinary with your old rusty car by donating it to give breast cancer patients a fighting chance to beat the disease. Call us at 866-540-5069 and donate a vehicle for a truly worthy cause today!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023
