Poor Fuel Economy: 6 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Gas

Disk brake in car service workshops | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Erik Mclean under Pexels License 

What You Can Do to Make Your Car More Fuel-Efficient

With the skyrocketing cost of gas in addition to inflation affecting basic goods, fuel economy has become even more imperative for car owners who use their vehicles for their daily commute.

As they scramble for ways to save on gas, many motorists fail to realize that the reason why they’re consuming too much fuel is because of their failure to properly maintain their vehicles. That’s why it’s important to keep your car in tip-top condition.

To avoid poor fuel economy, you need to improve your car’s fuel efficiency. Breast Cancer Car Donations shares the following tips on how to improve your gas mileage:

1. Tire pressure.

One of the causes of poor fuel economy is underinflated tires. If your tires are underinflated, they will increase your vehicle’s drag, which will increase your fuel consumption. According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study, every 1% decrease in tire pressure correlates to a 0.3% reduction in fuel economy. That’s why you need to make sure that all your tires are properly inflated. Check your owner’s manual for your tires’ recommended psi.

2. Air filter

If your air filter is unclean, the engine won’t get the right amount of air it needs to burn the fuel efficiently. As a result, it burns more gas.

3. Spark plugs

When doing your regular car maintenance, don’t neglect to check the condition of your spark plugs. They affect your fuel economy if they’re not providing your engine with the proper combustion.

4. Air conditioner

Your car’s AC may be a lifesaver during scorching hot summer days. However, you should know that you get lower fuel mileage when you crank it up all the way all the time.

5. Fuel system

A bad fuel injector or a dirty oil fuel filter can affect the flow of gas to your engine. Make sure that your vehicle’s fuel system is in good condition to get the most out of your gas.

6. Driving

Your driving habits can affect how your car consumes gas. Refrain from accelerating quickly as this burns up more fuel than what you need. Also, don’t let your car run idle for long as it also plays a role in consuming more fuel.


How You Can Give Your Old Car a New and Worthy Purpose

It’s not a myth that older cars consume more gasoline no matter what strategy people use to maximize their fuel consumption. In short, as your car ages, your fuel economy declines.

If your car has served you for a good number of years already and it is no longer practical to drive such a gas guzzler amid soaring gas prices, perhaps it’s about time to retire it while giving it a new and worthy purpose.

Did you know that you can turn your beater into a lifesaver? When you turn over that vehicle to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations, we’ll use it to help save the lives of the indigent women in your local community who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Our team will auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to support the life-saving mission of our charity partners. Thanks to your donation, these IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations will be able to provide more uninsured and indigent breast cancer patients with easy access to top cancer centers as well as financial assistance to cover the costs of their treatments, doctor consultations, hospital fees, medications, and other essential health care services they need. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening and diagnosis, as well as prevention and education services.

Donating a vehicle to us will only take a couple of minutes of your time in the comfort of your home. Just contact us and let us know about your intention. We’ll then arrange a time and place for the free towing of your vehicle anywhere in the United States.

Your donation will also benefit you in more ways than one. It will entitle you to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. We’ll send you your 100% tax-deductible sales receipt following the auction of your vehicle.

On top of the material rewards that will come your way, you’ll experience the priceless joy and satisfaction of doing an act of charity aimed at saving lives.

We accept nearly all types of vehicles, including those that are no longer in good condition. Head over to this page to learn what else you can donate aside from cars.

To learn more about our vehicle donation program, including our quick and easy donation process, head over to our FAQs page. Got some questions? Call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069 or write to us here.


Use Your Beater to Help Save Lives Today!

Turn your old and unwanted auto into a life-saving tool by handing it over to us. We’ll use it to help save the lives of breast cancer sufferers in your community. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: March 9th, 2023
