Male Breast Cancer: Myths and Facts

Silhouette of Man Holding a Hat | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by omer havivi under Pexels License 

Breast Cancer Doesn’t Only Affect Women

Since breast cancer affects one in eight women in the United States, many see it as purely a woman’s disease. On a yearly average, only less than 1% of breast cancer diagnoses in the U.S. involve men, with the disease affecting just one in 883 males.

Unfortunately, many of the men who develop this life-threatening disease suffer from misdiagnosis, lack of access to treatments, and the stigma that the disease causes. It’s because doubts are often raised about the masculinity of most male breast cancer victims. As a result, they fear ridicule if they come out in public.

The obvious lack of public awareness about breast cancer in men affects even some medical practitioners. They are those who don’t immediately think of breast cancer even when they see the symptoms in their male patients.


Debunking the 4 Biggest Myths About Male Breast Cancer

Did you know that the medical community only recently considered the possibility of hereditary breast cancer to extend to men as well? To set the record straight about male breast cancer, check out the biggest myths that surround this illness and the facts that debunk them.

  • MYTH 1: A man who doesn’t have a family member who has breast cancer is not at risk of getting it.

This is definitely false because family history isn’t the only factor that predisposes a man to develop breast cancer. For instance, a man who suffers from Klinefelter syndrome is prone to breast cancer. In case you’re wondering, this genetic abnormality causes a man to have one male chromosome and two female chromosomes instead of just one of each chromosome.

Furthermore, men who have gallstones or chronic liver disease are also more likely to develop breast cancer. Other medical conditions that may increase a man’s risk of getting breast cancer include gynecomastia or the excess growth of breast tissue due to high levels of estrogen, orchitis (the inflammation of one or both testes), cryptorchidism or undescended testicles, and any testicular injury.

Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, diabetes, and genetic mutations can also cause men to become more vulnerable to breast cancer.

  • MYTH 2: If you’re a man, you won’t have to worry about developing breast cancer.

This statement is false. Although most men will never develop breast cancer during their lifetimes, the ratio of male-to-female breast cancer diagnosis still happens to be one man to every 120 women.

  • MYTH 3: Every man must have annual screening mammograms.

This isn’t necessary. Aside from the fact that male breast cancer is extremely rare, mammography doesn’t play a significant role in the detection of this disease in men. It’s enough for men to perform regular self-examinations as well as a physical examination by their health provider.

  • MYTH 4: Since male breast cancer is rare, men with breast cancer have no risk of getting it on the other side.

This is false. It’s more likely for men to develop contralateral breast cancer than women. For this reason, men who once had breast cancer need to continuously undergo a physical examination.


Help Save Lives with a Simple Car Donation

If you want to help breast cancer sufferers in your area, all you have to do is contact us at Breast Cancer Car Donations and turn over to us any old and unwanted vehicle you have. Once we get hold of your donation, we will sell it via auction. We’ll then use the generated funds to support the life-saving programs and services of our nonprofit partners.

Thanks to your gift, uninsured and underprivileged individuals in your community would be able to gain easy access to comprehensive breast health services, including various types of cancer treatment, follow-up care, cancer screening, and cancer prevention and education services.

Making a car donation to us is the simplest and most convenient way to dispose of an unwanted vehicle. You can make your donation in the comfort of your home with just a short phone call to us. You also need not leave your house to hand over your vehicle to us.

In exchange for your contribution, we’ll mail to you your 100% tax-deductible sales receipt a couple of weeks after your car gets sold. With this receipt, you can claim your top tax deduction in the next tax season.

We’ll also haul off your unwanted vehicle for free at a date, time, and place of your convenience. This service is available in all 50 states.

However, the best reward you’ll get is not a material thing. It’s the joy and satisfaction you’ll experience, knowing that your donation will be used to help save lives.

We accept nearly all types of vehicles, including one that’s missing a headlight or one that breaks down every few minutes or so. We accept even vehicles that are no longer running!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at our toll-free hotline 866-540-5069. You may also leave us a message here. Feel free to visit our FAQs page to learn more about our donation program.


Give Them a Life-Saving Gift — Your Old Car!

If your heart goes to the suffering breast cancer patients in your community, give them a gift that can help save their lives — your old and unwanted car! Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023
