How to Protect Your Vehicle Against Catalytic Converter Theft

Man in Black Jacket and Black Pants Standing Under Vehicle | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio under Pexels License 

There’s Something Valuable Under Your Car

A lot of car owners don’t know this, but the catalytic converter found under your car can be worth more than gold! This car part contains precious metals such as rhodium, platinum, and palladium that pique the interest of every friendly neighborhood thief. Once they get their hands on it, they can sell it to a scrap yard for up to $200!

Any car that’s left without a catalytic converter won’t be able to run properly.

Since would-be thieves can manage to remove it in a matter of seconds, it’s extremely important to set up a solid theft prevention plan.


Tips for Protecting Your Vehicle Against Catalytic Converter Theft

Stealing catalytic converters is much easier than stealing tires, stereo systems, and other valuables inside your car. A thief will only need to use a saw to slice through the piping on each side of your converter to pull it off.

To keep this from happening, Breast Cancer Car Donations shares these tips to help you secure this valuable part of your vehicle.

1. Park in well-lit areas.

Parking smart means parking your vehicle in well-lit areas that are close to an access road or a building entrance. Since pedestrians frequent these spots, thieves will have a hard time planning a theft without being seen. When at home, add an extra layer of defense by parking your vehicle in your garage.

2. Add a serial number.

If you’re the kind of person who’s determined to catch your thief, then adding a serial number on your catalytic converter will make a huge difference. This number is unique only to your catalytic converter, so if it does get stolen or sold, then you’ll be able to track and find it.

3. Invest in a security system.

If you value your catalytic converter, installing security devices is worth your money. Although these may not entirely prevent theft, these devices won’t fail to intimidate a thief. You can choose to weld your converter to the car frame, install video surveillance around the driveway, and set up a car security system that activates as soon as a thief starts sawing off the piping on either side of your converter.


Your Unwanted Car Can Help Save Lives

You can always find ways to protect your catalytic converter from thieves. However, it may be more difficult to protect your car from wear and tear due to constant usage. If you have an outdated auto that no longer serves you well and has become a constant drain in your pocket with its never-ending repairs, perhaps it’s time to retire it.

You’d be glad to do that when you hand it over to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We will use your vehicle to help save the lives of destitute women in your area who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

We will place your donated vehicle up for auction, with the proceeds going straight to leading breast cancer nonprofit organizations that are in partnership with us. Like us, these IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits work tirelessly to support women across the country who are suffering from breast cancer and who lack the means to get proper medical care.

Our charity partners use the funding they get from us to provide uninsured and indigent breast cancer patients with access to top medical institutions as well as financial assistance to cover the costs of their treatments, doctor consultations, medications, hospitalization, and follow-up care. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and other breast health services.

You will also benefit immensely from your charitable contribution. It will entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. Moreover, we’ll provide you with our free pickup and towing service anywhere in the United States.

Best of all, you’ll get to experience the priceless satisfaction of doing a life-saving charitable act.

You can donate not just a car but just about any other type of vehicle regardless of its age or condition.

For information on our quick and convenient donation process and other details about our vehicle donation program, feel free to check out our FAQs page. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call us at 866-540-5069 or leave us a message here.


Do a Good Deed Today!

If you’re looking for a great opportunity to do a good deed in your community, consider donating your unwanted vehicle to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll use it to help save the lives of breast cancer sufferers in your area. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023
