How to Pass the Time During Chemotherapy

Clock Beside the Bed | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Anastasiya Vragova under Pexels License 

5 Relaxing Things You Can Do While You’re Stuck in a Recliner

It can be difficult to relax when you’re heading to your first all-afternoon chemo treatment — especially when you’re not able to bring along a friend or a family member for the company. Unless you find something to do, time can pass slowly. To keep your mind off your treatment while you’re sitting still for a few hours, you have to plan.

When you’re stuck in that big recliner, it can be too easy to think about the woes of settling into the breast cancer lifestyle. Without a plan, you may find yourself fighting breast cancer, anxiety, and boredom at the same time. To keep this from happening to you, Breast Cancer Car Donations has pulled together these ideas on how you can pass the time during chemotherapy.

1. Watch a movie.

By all means, go on a Netflix binge. Line up your favorite flicks and work your way through the whole set. If you need a good laugh, there’s no better time to catch up on the movies you’ve been planning to see. Before you know it, your infusion will be over.

2. Relax while coloring.

Coloring books weren’t just made for kids. One of the best ways to keep your mind and hands busy during chemo is by working on an adult coloring book. The good news is that you can find a slew of options that suit your personality and interest.

3. Crack open a good book.

There’s nothing like losing yourself in a good book while you’re doing chemo. Keep your mind absorbed as you pour through the pages of a true crime, mystery, history, or romance novel. It doesn’t matter if the book you’re reading is on paper, your laptop, or your iPad — any good story won’t fail to take you to a place far, far away from Cancerland.

4. Distract yourself with games and puzzles.

It’s only natural for your mind to drift to the negative while your infusion drips. Thankfully, crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and other puzzle games can give your mind a welcome break.

5. Get crafty.

If you have a chemotherapy port, you won’t have an IV line stuck in your hand. This will make it easy for you to do some crafting during one of the sessions of your mandatory drug experimentation phase. Try knitting, sewing, cross-stitching, or crocheting. You can also choose to spend your infusion time working on scrapbooks or memory albums.


Do Something Awesome Today!

Did you know that you can still do something to help other breast cancer patients in your community while you’re trying to pass the time during your infusions? When you donate any type of vehicle to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations, you’ll help provide lifelines to indigent women in your community who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

We offer the quickest and most convenient way for you to dispose of your unwanted vehicle while allowing you to support a worthy cause.

We’ll auction off your donated vehicle to provide funding for our IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit partners. These charities are dedicated to helping patients who can’t afford the high costs of breast cancer treatments. They provide low-cost or no-cost breast cancer screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care.

Donating to us will only take a couple of minutes of your time in the comfort of your home. Just contact us and let us know that you’re donating a vehicle. We’ll then arrange a time and place for the free towing of your vehicle wherever you had it parked or stored within the United States.

Your donation will also entitle you to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. We’ll send you your 100% tax-deductible sales receipt following the auction of your vehicle.

On top of the material rewards that will come your way, you’ll also experience the priceless joy and satisfaction of doing an act of charity that will help save human lives.

You can donate not just a car but nearly any other type of vehicle regardless of its condition. Don’t hesitate to donate an old truck that needs some repairs — we’re not picky!

Got a question for us? Get in touch with us at 866-540-5069 or leave your message here. You may also browse through our FAQs page to learn more about our car donation program, including our quick and easy donation process.


Use Your Beater to Beat Breast Cancer Today!

Are you ready to part ways with a car that has long served you well? Allow us to convert it into a weapon against breast cancer. Donate it to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations by calling 866-540-5069 or filling out this form now!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023
