How Best to Observe Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by National Cancer Institute under Unsplash License 

On October 13th, Extend a Helping Hand to Women Diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer

October 13th is a time to remind everyone in the country why it’s important to learn about metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day was created to educate the public about the most advanced stage of cancer. It also encourages us to support women living with it.

In case you didn’t know, metastatic breast cancer is considered to be Stage 4 cancer. At this stage, the only option left is to ease the onslaught of cancer and its side effects. Patients are usually treated with chemo, surgeries, and clinical trials of new drugs, as well as palliative care, to improve their quality of life.

While the survival rates for breast cancer have gradually increased over the years, this cancer type continues to claim thousands of lives each year. These were mostly the lives of individuals whose cancer had already spread to other parts of their bodies. Unfortunately, this final phase is no longer treatable, and the odds of beating cancer are extremely low.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day aims to address the problems faced by affected women and their loved ones. At the same time, it urges us to extend our helping hands to our fellow Americans who have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.


How to Observe This Special Day

Educating yourself on this cancer category is one way to observe Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Research online, read journal articles or watch documentaries about metastatic breast cancer. You can also watch a heartwarming film or read a novel about people grappling with breast cancer.

Doing volunteer work is also an option you might want to consider. Check if there are cancer organizations or facilities that accept volunteers in your area.

Attending a fundraising event is another meaningful way to observe this special day. From yard sales and barbecue parties to galas, there are plenty of choices for everybody. If nothing sparks your interest, you can create your own fundraiser!

Lastly, if you know a woman with metastatic breast cancer, pay her a visit. Cheer her up with positive words. Let her know that you’re always ready to lend a hand, or simply listen to whatever she wants to say.


Join the Fight against Breast Cancer

Would you like to take part in our cause and help breast cancer-stricken women get the help that they badly need? All you have to do is make a vehicle donation to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. Such a simple act of charity can make all the difference for breast cancer patients in your community.

We will sell your donated automobile through an auction and distribute the proceeds to reputable nonprofit organizations that cater to uninsured women across the country. These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofits have been operating for years, providing their beneficiaries with access to medical facilities where they can undergo full treatment. They also offer other services, including free breast cancer screening, prevention, aftercare, and counseling.

As a vehicle donor, you’ll get rewarded with a maximum tax deduction. Expect to receive in your mailbox the tax-deductible sales receipt of your sold vehicle within 30 days after its auction.

You will also benefit from our free towing service. You can avail yourself of this free service wherever you are in the country since our vehicle donation program covers all 50 states.

We accept nearly all types of vehicles without much regard as to their condition. Don’t hesitate to donate even an old car that won’t even start anymore.

For more information regarding our donation program, particularly our donation process, check out our FAQs page. For your inquiries or concerns, feel free to call us anytime at 866-540-5069 or leave us a message here.


Save Lives with Us Today!

Mark Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day this October 16th with a generous gesture. Let breast cancer victims know there’s still hope for them. Call 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form to make your car donation now!


Last Updated: August 17th, 2023
