Breast Lumps and Pain: Should You Be Alarmed?

Carefree Woman In Long Dress Standing on A Rice Field During Sunset | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Diana Akhmedova under Pexels License 

Know the 6 Common Types of Breast Lumps

Breast care is important for women of all ages. They should remain vigilant and watch out for early signs of breast cancer.

Breast lumps and pain may not always lead to cancer. However, lumps and pain that deviate from the normal should always be addressed with caution and care.


What Causes Breast Pain?

Breast pain is a common complaint among many women. The pain manifests through breast tenderness, sharp burning sensation, or tightness in the breast tissue.

In most cases, women experience breast pain leading up to their period or after their menstrual cycle. However, experts advise women with persistent pain that does not go away after one or two menstrual cycles to visit their doctors for further evaluation to ensure that the cause of the pain is not something more serious.


What Are Breast Lumps?

Breast lumps are localized swellings, protuberances, or bulges in the breast area that feel different from the breast tissue. During your regular self-check, you may notice some of these breast lumps, but they are not always a cause for alarm.

Here are some of the most common types of breast lumps:

1. Breast Cysts

Like other parts of the body, the breasts also develop cysts from time to time. These cysts are mostly benign or non-cancerous fluid-filled sacs in the breast that commonly develop in women below 50 years old. Some experience pain from these cysts while others feel no pain at all. These cysts develop as a response to hormone changes during menstruation.

2. Abscesses

Abscesses are usually caused by bacteria and develop in the breast. They are noncancerous but quite painful. They usually develop in women who are breastfeeding.

3. Adenoma

Adenomas are defined as abnormal growths in the glandular tissue in women’s breasts. They are usually round and firm with smooth borders. In particular, fibroadenomas account for half of the breast biopsies, but they do not usually become cancerous.

4. Intraductal Papillomas

These are wart-like growths that develop in the ducts of the breast, most particularly under the nipple. They sometimes cause bloody discharge.

5. Fat necrosis

This can occur when the fatty tissue in the breast becomes damaged. These are mostly benign tumors that are generally soft and movable.

6. Cancerous Lumps

Cancerous lumps are usually hard and firm and take an irregular shape. Unlike other lumps, the cancerous types may feel as though they are stuck to the skin or deep inside the breast. During the early stages, they are not painful. However, they cause severe pain when they become malignant.

Since you can’t be sure whether what you have are cancerous or noncancerous lumps, regular breast checks are of such importance. Seek the help of a medical professional at the first sign of irregularity to ensure that signs do not progress to something more serious later on.


Reach Out to Breast Cancer Patients in Need

If you once experienced a scare after you found a lump on your breast during a self-check, you’ll get the idea of what it feels like when a woman finds out that she is suffering from breast cancer.

Thousands of women across the U.S. are battling for survival against breast cancer. Many are hampered by their lack of access to medical facilities to undergo essential treatments primarily because of poverty.

You can extend a helping hand to these hapless women. All you have to do is donate any old and unwanted vehicle you have to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations.

We’ll sell your gift through an auction and use the proceeds to support the critical programs and services of our nonprofit partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations provide comprehensive breast health services to all who need them, with uninsured and underserved breast cancer patients as their primary beneficiaries.

These patients are given easy access to medical facilities where they can undergo all types of treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatment.

These charities also provide breast cancer survivors with follow-up care, including laboratory work, annual mammograms, and physician visits five years after remission. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening and prevention and education services.

You’ll also benefit from your charitable contribution since it will entitle you to receive a top tax deduction in the next tax season. Moreover, we’ll provide you with our free pickup and towing service.

However, the best reward you’ll get is the feeling of intense satisfaction, knowing that your act of charity will help save lives.

You can donate not just a car but also almost any type of vehicle regardless of its condition. We can collect your donation wherever you are in the country since our vehicle donation program covers all 50 states.

For more information, feel free to check out our FAQs page. If you have questions, call us at 866-540-5069 or leave us a message here.


Help Them Win Their Battles against the Big C Today!

Help destitute breast cancer patients in your area overcome their battle against the disease by donating something you no longer want or need. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form to make your car donation now!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023
