7 Simple Winter Car Care Tips

White SUV on Snow Covered Road | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Viktor Mogilat under Pexels License 

Having Trouble with Your Car This Winter?

Winter can be tough on most cars. Cold temperatures can wreak havoc on your vehicle’s engines, tires, fluids, and battery. That is why many people living in areas with colder climates usually go for vehicles that are built to endure long harsh winters.

While preventive maintenance is essential all year round, it’s especially important to make it a priority during winter. You’ll need to dedicate a day to taking care of your car and ensuring that it won’t be affected by the brutal elements of the season. More importantly, you should know what the proper steps are to keep your automobile protected throughout the snowy months.

If you’re having trouble with your car this winter, we’re here to help you out. Here are 7 simple tips that will surely help maintain your car’s condition and performance despite the cold season’s challenges:

1. Install snow tires.

Probably the most important step to prepare your car for winter is by getting a set of snow tires. These tires are made of rubber that’s much softer than those of all-season tires, allowing them to retain flexibility even in the coldest of weather. Their tread patterns also allow for excellent grip in the ice and snow.

Although snow tires provide more traction than standard tires, they won’t remove the possibility of your car slipping and sliding on the road. Still, having these special tires can make all the difference in your driving performance and keep you safe on icy roads and pavements.

2. Change your oil.

Many people fail to change their oil as winter kicks in, which is one of the reasons why their cars perform poorly. The cold weather can make your car’s oil thicker, thus reducing its engine circulation.

Buy oil that is thinner than what you normally use. Most cars provide winter oil viscosity guides in their manuals, along with other proper oil viscosity recommendations for different seasons.

3. Check your fluid levels.

Be sure to have an adequate supply of windshield wiper fluid. This will guarantee visibility to you and your passengers even in the worst of snowstorms. You might also want to examine your car’s transmission fluid (which should be done while your car is running) as well as your brake fluid. You don’t need to top off your brake fluid. Just replace it once it has lost its golden color.

4. Get your car battery inspected by a professional.

It’s not uncommon for batteries to wear out and die when temperatures drop. Rather than checking your car battery on your own, we suggest you let a professional do it. Repair shops don’t typically charge a lot to load-test batteries. Some auto parts stores won’t even charge you a single dime.

Once you learn that your battery is about to give up, have it replaced. On the other hand, if it’s still working well, you can maintain its condition by keeping your car warm. Parking your car in your garage will help your battery make it through the below-freezing temperatures.

5. Check your windshield wipers.

There’s nothing worse than having bad windshield wipers during a snowy or rainy day. Winter elements may damage the rubber of your wipers, rendering the blades useless. If that happens, you should get those blades replaced as soon as possible.

You can still use your standard windshield scraper to remove snow and winter grime from your windshield. As for cleaning your windshield, use alcohol-based sprays or normal rubbing alcohol, and avoid using hot water if the windshield is frozen.

6. Check your radiator.

A car radiator that is running out of coolant may lead to a leak, transmission failure, or engine overheat, which explains the need to inspect your radiator. You’ll know that you have enough coolant left when the liquid is just below the cap and it covers the radiator tube. If you can’t see any liquid anymore, then it’s time you refill it with coolant.

7. Make sure your tires have the right pressure.

Tire pressure plays a key role in braking, cornering, and your vehicle’s overall stability — all of which are important on slippery and ice-covered roads. Too little pressure can wear out your tires. On the other hand, too much pressure can cause them to bounce off the road.

Cold temperatures compress not just the air around you but the air inside your tires, too. In fact, tires lose a pound of pressure for every drop of 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the owner’s manual for your car’s ideal tire pressure.


Help Needy Women Beat Breast Cancer

Did you know that you can play a part in saving the lives of needy breast cancer patients in your community? All you have to do is donate an unwanted vehicle to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll turn it into a life-saving instrument for these patients, giving them hope of a much brighter future.

We will place your vehicle up for auction. Once it is sold, we’ll transfer the proceeds to our nonprofit partners. These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the money to deliver comprehensive breast health services to their beneficiaries, particularly the uninsured and impoverished breast cancer patients in your area. Thanks to you, these women will have a chance to receive full treatments and follow-up care, as well as free screening, prevention, and education services.

Within 30 days after the sale of your auto donation, we’ll send you your 100% tax-deductible sales receipt via mail. This receipt gives you the right to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.

We offer free towing to our donors in all parts of the U.S. Just give us your preferred time, date, and complete address, and we’ll send a licensed tow truck driver to collect your donation.

However, the best reward you’ll get is the joy and satisfaction you’ll experience when you know that your gift will be used to help save lives.

As for the type of vehicles you can donate, we accept almost all types regardless of their age or condition.

If you have any questions, feel free to write them here or give us a call at 866-540-5069. You may visit our FAQs page to learn more about our vehicle donation program.


Make a Difference Today!

There’s no easier way to touch the lives of breast cancer-afflicted women than by making a vehicle donation to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. Call 866-540-5069 or click here to start your donation process.


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023