6 Common Car Noises and What They Could Mean

Car Stuck in the Road | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Kaboompics under Pexels License 

Don’t Ignore Your Vehicle’s Warning Signs

Old cars are more prone to clanks and noises, which many car owners have come to accept as part of their current condition. Like people, aging cars also suffer from weakened parts due to wear and tear. The longer the car stays on the road, the likelier it is to experience deterioration, especially without proper maintenance.

However funny or weird the car noises you hear, you should never ignore them since they could signal something worse. Your car’s problems could endanger you, your passengers, and other motorists on the road.

Your Checklist of Common Car Noises and Their Likely Causes

Some car noises can be caused by something minor, but they can also mean that you need to have your vehicle checked by an auto mechanic ASAP. Check out this checklist of common car noises to see whether or not you can fix the problem yourself:

1. Squealing

When your car squeals like a banshee when you apply the brakes, this could mean that the brake pad is rubbing against the rotor. This is not an emergency, but you have to get your brake pads replaced before the noise gets worse.

When your car makes squealing noises from under the hood, this could indicate a loose or worn-out serpentine belt. This problem is much more urgent because if the serpentine belt snaps, your car won’t run, and that means having to pay a hefty bill for its towing to the nearest repair shop and suffering the inconvenience of this.

When your car makes a squealing noise when you turn the wheel, it could indicate that you are running low on power steering fluid.

2. Noise like that of a grumpy cat

When your car starts to make this noise, this could mean that your battery is losing juice. It’s an indication that your battery is struggling to power your vehicle and that it’s time to get it replaced. Do this before your car refuses to start altogether.

3. Roaring

When your car starts to make a rumbling noise under your seat, which causes it to vibrate, the solution is not to drown out the noise by turning up the volume of your car radio. The noise could indicate damage to the exhaust system, which could mean that poisonous carbon monoxide fumes may already be seeping into your car.

4. Flapping noise

When you hear a flapping noise from your air conditioner or blower, this is an indication of a loose or misaligned ventilation flap. It is not an emergency, but you should have it checked to prevent the problem from worsening.

5. Groaning

If your car starts to groan like a sleeping giant waking up when you turn the steering wheel, this could indicate a problem in your power steering system. Have it checked out before you completely lose control of your car’s steering.

6. Metal grinding

One of the most alarming noises that can come out of your car is metal grinding your brakes. This problem could mean that your brake pads are completely worn-out and you need to get them replaced quickly. Remember that your brakes won’t work properly without brake pads. This could pose serious dangers to you on the road.


The Best Thing to Do with a Car That’s Giving You Lots of Headaches

If you’re tired of taking your car to the auto repair shop, you should seriously consider letting go of it altogether. When your vehicle is suffering from multiple problems, it could compromise your safety on the road and pose a hazard to your fellow motorists at the same time.

Don’t know what to do with your old clunker? Your best option is to donate it to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. When you do that, you’ll be supporting the uninsured and destitute women in your community who are suffering from breast cancer.

Once we receive your donation, we will sell it through an auction and use the generated funds to support the vital programs and services of our nonprofit partners.

We will auction off your donation and use the funds to support our charity partners, enabling these IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to continue delivering a range of breast health services to more individuals in need. Deserving breast cancer patients in your area will get the chance to undergo full treatment and receive financial assistance to cover the costs of their hospital fees, medications, and follow-up care.

As our donor, expect to receive valuable rewards, including getting entitled to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. Expect a 100% tax-deductible receipt in your mailbox a few weeks after we sell your donated vehicle.

You will also benefit from our free pickup and towing service.

Above all, you’ll have the ultimate pleasure and satisfaction of doing something extraordinary that can help save lives.

We are affiliated with several towing companies all over the United States, which means we can collect your vehicle wherever you had it parked or stored anywhere in the country.

We welcome almost all types of vehicles, even damaged ones that are hardly running.

Our donation process will only take you a few minutes to complete. All you have to do is contact us.

If you’re interested to learn more about our donation program, feel free to visit our FAQs page. Should you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to call us at 866-540-5069 or contact us here.


Turn Your Clunker into a Lifesaver Today!


We can turn your clunker into a lifesaver, one that will give great hope and relief to needy breast cancer patients in your community. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: August 16th, 2023
