3 Top Reasons for Participating in a Clinical Trial

Reasons for Participating in a Clinical Trial | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Edward Jenner under Pexels License 

3 Top Reasons for Participating in a Clinical Trial

We often come across the term “clinical trials” when reading articles about experimental drugs that have the potential to cure illnesses more effectively than similar medicine available on the market.

Clinical trials are research studies that are performed on people who consent to be part of a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention like a new treatment, drug, food, or medical device to see whether it will be safe and effective for human use.

These trials are typically done in four phases but require passing at least three stages before they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The first phase is focused on safety. It tests an experimental treatment on a small group of healthy people to determine the drug’s correct usage. Phase 2 seeks to determine the effectiveness of the drug by learning whether it works on people who suffer from certain diseases or conditions and whether the drug would cause short-term side effects.

The third phase of the trial covers more participants to get more information about safety and effectiveness. It typically cuts across different population groups and is given in different dosages. If the drug passes this stage with positive results, it can receive approval for use by the FDA. Even after the drug’s approval, the fourth phase continues the monitoring of large, diverse population groups to determine possible side effects over a long period.


Why Should You Consider Participating in a Clinical Trial?

Breast Cancer Car Donations has compiled the following top 3 reasons for taking part in a clinical trial:

1. Contribute to medical research.

Researchers and scientists are constantly working to find a cure for illnesses such as cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, and COVID-19. You can contribute to science by volunteering for a medical trial that can potentially improve the health outcomes and save the lives of millions of people who are suffering from a certain disease.

2. Get monitored by a team of experts.

Because experimental drugs and devices have not been approved by the FDA yet, administering them does come with risks. However, you can rest assured that you will be constantly monitored by a capable research team and medical experts who are ready to respond to any adverse reactions you might get from the drug.

3. You can leave at any time.

If you sign up for a clinical trial, this does not mean you are locked into a contract. You can leave at any point in the study for whatever reason.


You Can Directly Help Needy Breast Cancer Sufferers This Way

If you want to help improve the health outcomes of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, why not take a direct approach? One way to do that is by donating any vehicle you no longer need to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll use your donation to help needy breast cancer patients in your local area recover from their affliction.

We will auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to support the life-saving mission of our charity partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations use the funding we give them to provide uninsured and indigent breast cancer patients with financial assistance to help cover the costs of their treatments, doctor consultations, hospital fees, medications, follow-up care, and other essential healthcare services. Our charity partners also provide underprivileged individuals with easy access to local healthcare facilities where they can get free breast cancer screening and diagnosis.

Your charitable contribution will also be used by our nonprofit partners to promote breast cancer awareness and provide prevention, education, and counseling services to the public.

As our donor, you can expect to receive valuable rewards, including getting entitled to claim the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.

You will also benefit from our free pickup and towing service. We are affiliated with licensed towing companies in all 50 states, which means we can collect the vehicle you’re donating from any location within the United States.

Above all, you’ll have the ultimate pleasure and satisfaction of doing something extraordinary that can help save lives.

We welcome almost all types of vehicles, even damaged ones that are no longer running.

Donating to us is quick, safe, and easy. Check out this page to see how convenient it is to donate your unneeded vehicle to Breast Cancer Car Donations.

For more information, head over to our FAQs page. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069. You may also write to us here.


Turn Your Unwanted Car into a Lifesaver Today!

You can turn your old and unwanted auto into a life-saving tool. Hand it over to us, and we’ll use it to help save the lives of breast cancer sufferers in your community. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: December 11th, 2023
