What Is Early Stage Breast Cancer?

Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr. under Pexels License
Get to Know the Top 3 Treatments for This Condition
Early-stage breast cancer is when cancerous cells are confined within the breast area and haven’t yet spread to the lymph nodes. Since the cancer is still contained in the breast tissue area, it’s easier to treat. Records show nearly 100% long-term recovery rates for patients treated for early-stage breast cancer.
However, if left untreated, early-stage breast cancer can worsen and spread to other areas, making treatments more complicated, difficult, and costly. Moreover, treated patients have reduced chances of completely removing the disease.
Although not all cases are the same, treating early-stage breast cancer would likely involve different therapy types and even surgery. Breast Cancer Car Donations shares the top treatments and therapy types that doctors would likely recommend for early-stage breast cancer.
1. Surgery
This is usually the first step recommended in treating breast cancer in its early stages. Your doctor may let you choose between having a mastectomy (where your entire breast is removed) or a lumpectomy (where only the cancer tumor and its surrounding areas are removed). Some lymph nodes in your breast or underarm area may also be removed during the surgery so that doctors can make sure the tumor has not spread undetected.
2. Combination treatment: lumpectomy and radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is the use of radiation to kill cancer cells. Patients who choose to have a lumpectomy can opt or be recommended for radiation therapy as well so that any remaining cancer cells are destroyed. This lowers the chance of the disease coming back in the future.
3. Combination treatment: mastectomy and radiation therapy
When cancer starts to spread even after the patient has had a mastectomy, doctors often recommend radiation therapy to kill off the cancer cells in the surrounding area. It’s often used to treat the chest wall, axillary lymph nodes, and the lymph nodes surrounding the collarbone.
Help Stop Breast Cancer While It’s Still Early
Though early-stage breast cancer is easier to treat, it still doesn’t come cheap. With the treatments usually involving a combination of surgery and several types of therapy, those without health insurance or aren’t financially well off may find the costs too expensive to bear on their own. Passing up on treatment or delaying it can lead to cancer worsening and making recovering from the disease even harder.
The good news is that you can easily help patients facing this difficult situation. If you have any type of vehicle that you’re not using anymore, that’s all you need to extend them a helping hand.
All you have to do is hand over that car to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll auction it off, turning it into a fund-raising tool to support the life-saving programs of our charity partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations provide indigent breast cancer patients with financial assistance and easy access to medical facilities where they can be properly treated. These charities also provide free follow-up care, breast cancer screening, and cancer prevention and education services.
As a donor, you’ll benefit from our fast and free towing service. Your donation will also entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season.
Best of all, you’ll get to experience the priceless satisfaction of doing a life-saving charitable act.
You can donate just about any type of vehicle, whether it’s still in good condition or not. You’re also free to make your donation from any point in the country since our vehicle donation program covers all 50 states plus the District of Columbia.
If you have questions about the ins and outs of our vehicle donation program, feel free to contact us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069. You may also leave us a message here. Feel free to visit our FAQs page to learn more about our donation program, including our quick and easy donation process.
Start Saving Lives Today!

Photo by Thirdman under Pexels License
Are you ready to bring out the philanthropist in you? Start saving lives with your car donation to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. The needy breast cancer patients in your area will forever be grateful to you once you do that. Call us at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form now!
Last Updated: March 10th, 2023