What Happens If Your Car Runs Out of Oil?

Farewell amy see you in next life | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Fatih Erden under Pexels License 

Avoid Time-Intensive and Costly Car Repairs!

If your car runs out of oil, don’t be surprised if your engine malfunctions. That’s why if you don’t want to risk serious engine damage, you have to make sure that you always have the right amount of oil in your engine and quickly replenish the oil if its level goes down.

Thanks to the oil change light on your dashboard, you’ll know if your car is running low on oil. Keep in mind that the longer it takes for you to replenish your car’s oil, the sooner your engine will fail. Worst, you might find yourself investing in time-intensive and costly repairs.

If you’ve been checking and changing your oil regularly, it’s unlikely that you’ll run out of oil while driving.


The Possible Causes of a Sudden Loss of Engine Oil

Some instances might lead to a sudden loss of engine oil, which is why you need to be prepared in case such eventualities happen. One example is when your car hits an object that punctures your oil pan. This will cause oil to drain from your crankcase, which can quickly deplete your oil supply.

Another instance is when the technician who changed your oil inadvertently failed to tighten the drain plug in the oil pan, resulting in a leak.


A Closer Look at What Can Happen If Your Car Runs Out of Oil

Breast Cancer Car Donations details two potential scenarios when your car’s oil supply gets depleted:

1. Your car will malfunction.

A vehicle’s engine is a collection of hundreds of fast-moving parts that work together to make the car move. This involves a lot of friction. Without lubrication, the bearings, rods, valves, and other parts will wear out.

It is the oil that lets these engine components slide against each other smoothly, thus reducing friction. Too much friction will result in a heat buildup, which will trigger an engine failure.

The parts grinding against each other because of the lack of lubrication will also make loud knocking sounds. The car will then slow down until it can’t take the friction and heat anymore, resulting in severe damage to the engine.

2. Your engine will become vulnerable to damage.

Since oil plays a vital role in the functioning of your car, its level should be regularly monitored. Once you notice signs that your vehicle is running low on oil, you need to promptly replace the lost oil.

If you delay or fail to do so, you will expose your engine to the risk of failure. The longer you run your car with an insufficient amount of oil, the greater the damage it will do to your engine.

After about 15 minutes of driving your car despite being low on oil, you may see smoke coming out of your overheated engine. This may indicate complete engine failure, which would cost you a fortune to repair. If you don’t want this thing to happen, better replenish your oil as soon as possible once you see the warning sign of being low on oil.


You Can Turn Your Damaged Auto into a Lifesaver

If your car has suffered engine damage or some other major issues and having it undergo costly repairs would be too much for you to bear, you’re probably left with no other choice than to dispose of that vehicle. Don’t worry though — you can still make good use of it when you donate it to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll give your auto a new and worthy purpose — that of saving the lives of destitute breast cancer patients in your local area.

Our team will have your automobile fixed before auctioning it off. We’ll then use the proceeds to support the life-saving programs of our breast cancer-focused charity partners.

These IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding we give them to provide uninsured and financially struggling breast cancer patients with easy access to top medical facilities as well as financial assistance to cover the costs of their treatments, doctor consultations, hospital fees, medications, and other essential health care services. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening and prevention and education services.

As a donor, you’ll benefit from our fast and free towing service. Your donation will also entitle you to receive the maximum tax deduction in the next tax season. Best of all, you’ll experience the priceless satisfaction of doing a life-saving charitable act.

You can donate just about any type of vehicle, whether it’s still in good condition or not. You’re also free to make your donation from any place in the country since our vehicle donation program covers the entire United States.

Feel free to visit our FAQs page to learn more about our donation program, including our quick and hassle-free donation process.

If you have questions about the ins and outs of our vehicle donation program, don’t hesitate to contact us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069. You may also message us here.


Find Redemption for Your Damaged Car Today!

Your damaged car can still find redemption. You can give it a truly noble purpose by allowing us to use it to help save the lives of desperate breast cancer patients in your area. Donate that vehicle to Breast Cancer Car Donations by calling 866-540-5069 or filling out our secure online donation form now!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023
