Managing Chemotherapy Side Effects

Chemotherapy | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by National Cancer Institute under Unsplash License 

Managing Chemotherapy Side Effects

While chemotherapy plays a tremendous role in treating breast cancer, it can also lead to a number of side effects. Unfortunately for patients, the drugs destroy not only cancer cells but healthy cells as well, thus causing the side effects. These side effects vary depending on several factors, such as the type of chemo drug used, the cancer stage, or the lifestyle of individual patients.

If you’re currently undergoing chemotherapy, it’s important to know that experiencing side effects is normal. For as long as you stick to your doctor’s treatment plan and follow the tips on managing chemotherapy side effects that we at Breast Cancer Car Donations have listed below, you’ll go through a recovery process that’s less difficult for you to handle.

1. Hair Loss

One of the most common side effects of chemo is hair loss. The good news is, most patients are able to grow their hair back after a few months or years. For the time being, however, here are some tips to help you deal with hair loss:

  • Protect your scalp.

Since chemotherapy can leave patients with dry and sensitive skin, they are often advised to use hats or scarves when going out. If you’re a patient, you may also want to apply sunscreen on your scalp for maximum protection.

  • Buy a wig if you have to.

Many patients feel embarrassed whenever they see themselves without hair anymore, which is why wearing a wig is never a bad idea.

  • Take good care of your hair.

Avoid damaging your hair any further and use soft-bristle brushes only. Don’t use products that have harmful chemicals, and stay away from hair dyes.

2. Nausea and Vomiting

Another common side effect many patients experience following their treatment is nausea. Here are ways to help reduce the risk:

  • Focus on small meals.

Instead of eating three huge meals in a day, try to eat five to six small ones.

  • Avoid unhealthy foods.

These include sweets, fatty foods, and fried dishes. Also, stay away from strong-smelling foods since they can also cause nausea.

  • Take your time while eating.

Don’t be in a rush whenever you eat or drink. Take as much time as you need.

3. Fatigue

Feeling drained and tired is also a normal side effect experienced by chemo patients. You can easily manage your fatigue levels with these easy steps:

  • Take quick naps.

Naps are a great way to fend off fatigue. Make sure you get at least two to three short naps during the day.

  • Keep an active lifestyle.

Sitting around in your house all day won’t do your body any good. A 30-minute stroll can make a difference.

  • Don’t waste energy.

Since you’re expected to wear down quickly, don’t stress yourself over things that don’t matter. Only focus on important ones.

  • Never hesitate to ask help from friends and family.

Many patients see themselves as burdens to their loved ones to the extent that they’re embarrassed to ask for assistance anymore.

4. Sun Sensitivity

A few months into treatment, you might find yourself more sensitive to sunlight. See to it that you keep these tips in mind:

  • Apply sunscreen.

Before heading out, always use sunscreen, preferably broad-spectrum with an SPF of 30 or higher.

  • Cover your body when outdoors.

Especially on hot days, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to keep your body protected from the sun.

  • Keep out of direct sunlight.

As much as possible, stay away from sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

5. Changes in Taste

There are certain chemo drugs that can affect your sense of taste, making it more difficult for you to enjoy food. Check out these suggestions to turn your situation around:

  • Use a sweet marinade.

Get rid of that bland taste by simply adding sweet marinade into your dish.

  • Consider alternatives.

If red meat gives you an unfamiliar taste, we recommend swapping it for other products like mild-flavored fish, dairy, or poultry.

  • Eat with plastic utensils.

Do this if you encounter foods that taste “metallic.”

  • Stop forcing yourself.

It’s unfortunate when your favorite dish no longer gives you that one taste that you love about it. If that happens, it’s best to just avoid it.


One Small Act Can Mean a Lot

A vehicle that has seen better days can become a vital source of support for individuals fighting breast cancer. Just hand over one such vehicle to Breast Cancer Car Donations, and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

It has always been our mission to provide life-saving assistance to breast cancer patients throughout the country. We auction off all vehicles donated to us and use the proceeds from the sale to help fund the critical programs of our charity partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations provide uninsured and underserved individuals with financial assistance, counseling, therapies, early screening and detection, and treatment. Hence, a car that’s no longer important to you can serve as a means for a destitute breast cancer patient to get life-saving treatment. That’s certainly a fulfilling moment you’ll never forget.

While your charitable contribution will greatly benefit breast cancer patients and their families, you will also receive your share of rewards, including a top tax deduction in the next tax season. You’ll also get to enjoy our free towing services and our quick and convenient donation process where you don’t have to do any paperwork.

If you’re ready to team up with us for the benefit of breast cancer patients in your area, fill out our online donation form or call us at 866-540-5069 right now. We accept donations of nearly all types of vehicles wherever you are in the United States since we have car donation programs in all 50 states.

For more information, check out our FAQs page. For inquiries, you may call us anytime at our toll-free hotline or send us a message online.

Make Today a Special Day with Your Car Donation

Make today a special day to remember by showing you care for the less fortunate residents in your community who have been victimized by breast cancer. Call us at 866-540-5069 and get started with your car donation!


Last Updated: December 4th, 2023
