Mammograms After Breast Cancer Surgery: What to Expect

Woman in Blue Dress Shirt Wearing Blue Mask and White Latex Gloves | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Anna Shvets under Pexels License 

Mammograms Are Crucial After Breast Surgery

Mammograms use a low-dose X-ray in producing breast images that help detect tissue changes. The diagnostic test plays a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of treatment and monitoring cancer recurrence after breast cancer surgery.

If you’ve undergone breast surgery, the thought of having another mammogram can add to your anxiety. However, this test can help your doctor track your breast health and give you peace of mind.


How Do Post-Surgery Mammograms Work?

It’s important to note that the mammogram process may vary depending on the type of surgery. However, the purpose remains the same: to detect changes in the breast tissue and ensure that cancer hasn’t returned. Breast Cancer Car Donations invites you to delve into the basic guidelines of post-surgery mammograms.

1. Mammograms After Lumpectomy

A lumpectomy involves the removal of a cancerous lump and a margin of healthy tissue. If you’ve had this surgical procedure with radiation therapy, expect to have a mammogram on the affected breast around 6 to 12 months after completing treatment. Your doctor will compare future mammograms with the result of the first mammogram after lumpectomy and radiation treatment. They may also order a baseline mammogram once the tissue has healed if you had breast reconstruction using that same tissue after the lumpectomy.

After 6 months, your doctor may tell you to have the usual yearly mammogram on both breasts. However, it’s worth noting that some doctors may recommend getting a mammogram on the treated breast every 6 months for the next few years.

2. Mammograms After Mastectomy

Mastectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a breast. Your doctor won’t require follow-up mammograms on the side where all the breast tissue was removed. However, they may recommend yearly mammograms on your remaining breast if you didn’t have a double mastectomy where both breasts were removed. Screening mammograms on the remaining breast is important because the risk of developing breast cancer in that breast increases if you’ve had cancer in one breast.

Your doctor will recommend mammograms if you’ve had a nipple-sparing mastectomy or subcutaneous mastectomy. Since this surgical procedure allows you to keep your nipple and the tissue under the skin, the remaining breast tissue warrants continuous screening mammograms.


Here’s a Way to Help Needy Breast Cancer Sufferers Without Offering Them Money

Breast cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people, mostly women, each year. Unfortunately, the cost of treatment and care can be overwhelming for uninsured and financially struggling individuals. These breast cancer sufferers are often deprived of access to life-saving treatments and support.

You can help them financially so they can get treatment without pulling out your wallet. All you need to do is donate any vehicle you no longer need to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. We’ll use your donation to help the needy breast cancer patients in your area get the treatment and health care they desperately need.

We will sell your automobile through an auction and transfer the proceeds to our nonprofit partners. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations use the funding we give them to deliver comprehensive breast health services to their beneficiaries, particularly breast cancer patients who are uninsured and financially struggling.

Thanks to your donation, the destitute breast cancer patients in your community will be given access to top medical facilities and receive financial assistance to cover the costs of their treatments, doctor consultations, hospital fees, medications, and other essential healthcare services. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening as well as cancer prevention, education, and counseling services.

To thank you for your generous donation, we’ll promptly mail you the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your car days after its sale. This receipt will entitle you to claim the highest possible tax deduction in the next tax season.

You will also benefit from our free pickup and towing service, which we will provide you wherever your vehicle is parked or stored anywhere in the United States.

The best reward you’ll get, however, is the joy and satisfaction you’ll experience, knowing that you’ll be helping save lives with your donation.

Almost all types of vehicles qualify for our donation program, including those that are outdated and no longer in good condition. You may check out this page to know what types of vehicles we usually accept.

For more information on our vehicle donation program, including our quick and easy donation process, head over to our FAQs page. Should you have any inquiries or concerns, feel free to send us a message here or contact us directly through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069.

You Can Help Save Lives with Your Vehicle Donation Today!

Your vehicle donation will surely matter to the indigent women in your community who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Such a donation can enable them to win the biggest battle they ever faced in their lives. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our online donation form now!


Last Updated: October 2nd, 2023
