How to Keep Your Car Cleared of Ice and Snow This Winter

Photo by Karolina Grabowska under Pexels License
The Task Gets Much Easier with These 5 Tips!
With winter upon us, car owners face the arduous task of clearing ice and snow from their vehicles each time it snows heavily. It’s a task they cannot afford not to do.
It takes some know-how to effectively clear ice and snow from an auto. Doing it improperly, especially on the windshield area, could impair your vision of the road ahead, especially when it gets dark. And this could endanger you and your passengers.
Here are some tips to make clearing your vehicle of ice and snow much easier:
1. Go through a checklist.
Set a mental checklist of the areas in your car that you need to clear of snow and ice. Make sure your tailpipes are clear to prevent carbon monoxide buildup in your car. Clear snow from the roof, hood, and trunk. Turn on the defroster to start the melting process while you’re at it.
Include in your checklist the windows, windshield, exterior mirrors, headlights, and taillights. You may notice that these are all essential in improving your visibility on the road so you can see and be seen better by other motorists.
2. Make sure your wiper blades are working properly.
If they are already worn out, get a replacement.
3. Remove frost and fog from the windows.
Clear the frost from the windows by using the smooth side of the plastic ice scraper. As an alternative, you can also use a plastic card or an old CD. Gently brush off the frost with smooth gentle strokes. For fog buildup inside the car, set your air vent to fresh. You can also turn on the AC to help remove moisture from the car even when you have the heater on.
4. Get ice off the windshield.
Use the ridged part of the plastic scraper to get the ice off the windshield by making vertical slashes. Scrape it across the windshield’s surface. Don’t use hot water as the rapid temperature change can shatter the glass. Sharp metal objects are also a no-no for scraping the ice as they can cause damage to your car’s windshield.
5. Use a snow blanket.
Fluffy snow can be brushed off with a snow brush but heavy snow would need the added power of a push broom. Start from the top — the roof, the front, the hood, and the trunk. A better idea would be to use a snow blanket on your car so you only need to pull away the blanket to shake off all the snow.
Give Breast Cancer Sufferers a Warm Glow of Hope This Winter
The winter season is much colder and lonelier for breast cancer-stricken women, especially those who have little financial means to pay for their treatment.
What if we told you that you can help them get the full treatment they need, enabling them to overcome the disease? All you have to do is donate a vehicle that you no longer need to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations.
We’ll use your donation to ensure that destitute breast cancer patients in your area get the treatment and health care they badly need to survive.
Our team will put your auto up for auction, with the proceeds going to our charity partners. These reputable IRS-approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations use the funding that we give them to provide comprehensive breast health services to all who need them.
Thanks to your gift, uninsured and indigent breast cancer patients in your area will be able to gain easy access to top cancer centers as well as receive financial assistance to help cover the costs of their treatments, doctor consultations, hospital fees, medications, and other essential health care services they need. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening and diagnosis, as well as cancer prevention and education services.
As our token of appreciation for your charitable contribution, we’ll promptly send you by mail the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your vehicle after its auction. This receipt will allow you to claim the highest possible amount of tax deduction in the next tax season.
We’ll also haul off your unwanted vehicle at a date, time, and place of your choice. And we won’t charge you even a single dollar for it.
However, those material perks may pale in comparison to the greatest reward you’ll get when you donate a vehicle to us — the priceless feeling of satisfaction for doing something that can help save even just one life.
We take almost all types of vehicles regardless of age or condition. Head over to this page to check out the different types of vehicles that we’ve been getting from our donors.
For more information about Breast Cancer Car Donations, including our quick and easy donation process, feel free to visit our FAQs page. Got any questions or concerns? Send them here or talk to us anytime through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069.
Help Out Destitute Breast Cancer Patients Today!

Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán under Pexels License
In this time of great uncertainty, you can do so much by making the simple gesture of donating an unneeded vehicle to us for the benefit of destitute breast cancer patients in your community. Give them hope of a longer and more productive life. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or fill out our secure online donation form now!
Last Updated: March 9th, 2023