Car Recycling

Broken cars on parking lot | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by Marlene Leppänen under Pexels License 

The Wonders That Car Recycling Can Do

When a car reaches the final stage of its life cycle and is now beyond repair, it’s usually brought to a car recycling facility. Every year, about 12 to 15 million cars are retired from the roads in the U.S. alone. Some make out to be fixer-uppers while others turn out to be lemons.

Even though the practice of car recycling is becoming more and more popular, many car owners don’t seem to clearly understand the concept and reasons behind it. That’s why we at Breast Cancer Car Donations are here to clarify things.

What Are the Recyclable Parts of a Junk Car?

If repairing your junk car is deemed unprofitable, the car recycling facility will proceed to the process of dismantling it and recovering its parts. The exciting news is, about 90% of the parts that belong to your cruddy, broken-down car could be reused! No matter how flawed or whacked, car parts like windshield glass, wheels, tires, steel, iron, batteries, rubber hoses, transmissions, radiators, carpet, car seats, belts, mats and oil filters can be recovered!

Hazardous liquids will also be segregated and properly disposed and other liquids like gas and oil will be filtered and reused. Likewise, recycled glass can be reused to create porcelain, tile flooring, countertops, and jewelry. Old tires can be reused in making pavement bases while steel and iron can be recycled to produce many other items.

What are the Benefits of Car Recycling?

Aside from the very obvious perk of getting rid of a car that no longer works, recycling your car brings multiple benefits for the environment because it tremendously helps reduce pollution. Making new steel requires burning a hefty load of coal, causing a release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, which sets off pollution. With car recycling, steel can be reused, thereby generating lesser adverse environmental impact and helping preserve natural resources.

Another environment-friendly advantage of car recycling is minimized landfill. With cars being recycled, putting them into a landfill will be avoided. Hence, there will be less chance of contaminating the soil with chemicals and pollutants.

On top of those benefits, you, as the car owner, can gain something for yourself as well! First, car recycling can earn you some cash. Second, you can easily get rid of a vehicle that’s just unnecessarily taking up space and costing you money.

Get Benefits While Helping Save Lives

In this day and age, more and more women are faced with their very own breast cancer story. In fact, according to its 2018 estimation report, the American Cancer Society says 266,120 American women and 2,550 American men were expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer and 40,920 women were expected to die of the disease.

By donating your old and unwanted car to Breast Cancer Car Donations, you don’t only get to protect the environment but you also get to help those who are suffering from breast cancer. Moreover, you also get to enjoy a top tax deduction for your generosity. All these positive results will happen after you begin a donation process that will barely take just 10 minutes of your time!

We will auction off your donated vehicle and use the proceeds to support the programs and services being provided by our charity partners, the American Breast Cancer Foundation (ABCF) and Women Involved In Nurturing, Giving, Sharing, Inc. (WINGS). These IRS-certified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations deliver comprehensive breast health services to uninsured and underserved individuals, providing them with financial assistance, education, early detection, and access to medical facilities where those diagnosed with breast cancer undergo full treatment, thus increasing their chances of surviving the disease.

For more information on our car donation program, check out our FAQs page. For inquiries, you may call us at our toll-free hotline 866-540-5069 or send us a message online.

You can make your car donation by filling out our online donation form or calling us directly. We accept vehicle donations anywhere in the United States since we have car donation programs in all 50 states.

Do Wonders with Your Car Donation!

If car recycling can do wonders for the environment, your car donation will also do similar wonders for needy breast cancer patients and yourself as well! Call 866-540-5069 and turn your car into something that can help save lives!


Last Updated: October 9th, 2023
