Boat Hurricane Preparation

Boat Hurricane Preparation | Breast Cancer Car Donations

Photo by GEORGE DESIPRIS under Pexels License 

10 Tips to Get Your Boat Ready for a Hurricane

As a boat owner, one of your responsibilities is to know how to prepare your vessel to weather any storm — especially the most severe ones like a hurricane. It’s crucial to take precautionary measures to ensure that you keep your vessel safe from harm and minimize potential damages.

It’s one thing to learn how to navigate around potential disasters, but when a hurricane strikes, there’s nothing you can do to stop it. The hurricane season will come around every year. Proper preparation is key to making sure that your boat survives the onslaught of hurricanes.

Bear in mind that a hurricane is extremely powerful. No matter how many precautions you take to save your boat, it could still end up getting damaged or even destroyed. That’s why you should document everything on board once you find out that there’s an incoming hurricane.

To help you protect your beloved watercraft during a hurricane, Breast Cancer Car Donations has put together a list of things you need to do:

1. Move your boat if possible.

If you own a trailerable boat, haul it out of the water and transfer it to a safe area, particularly one that’s far from tidal waters and trees. Don’t forget to remove the electronics and pull the drain plug on board.

However, if you opt to let your boat stay in a marina berth, see to it that you double all lines and rig-cross spring lines fore and aft. Attach lines high on pilings to allow for tidal rises and surges. Then, secure the watercraft on the offshore side to solid pilings.

2. Wrap all lines.

To prevent chafing, cover all lines with tape, rubber hoses, and rags. Install fenders, fender boards, or tires so your boat won’t rub against the pier or other boats.

3. Charge batteries.

Additionally, make sure that your batteries can run automatic bilge pumps throughout the storm. You might also want to add backup batteries and turn off all the devices that consume electricity.

4. Keep your insurance and other important documents handy.

File your insurance policies, boat registration, equipment inventory, lease agreement, and recent photos of the vessel and store them in a safe place, preferably a waterproof, floating lockbox.

5. Maintain an inventory of all items.

Create a list of all the items you’re leaving on the boat and those you’re taking off. Mark your valuable possessions so you can easily find them. Take photos or videos as evidence in case things get damaged or lost.

6. Understand your coverage.

Know everything there is to know about your insurance policy. It may have certain requirements you should meet. For instance, your policy may not cover storm damage if you fail to follow the necessary steps.

7. Get familiar with the marina’s policies.

Some marinas allow boaters to dock their vessels at their designated berths ahead of a storm, while others may require boaters to transfer their boats to a new location.

8. Inspect your trailer.

Be sure that it’s in great shape by performing a full inspection. Check everything — from your tires and tow hitch to lights and wheel bearings. Your trailer should be able to keep your boat completely safe.

9. Stay in the know.

Monitor storms frequently. BoatUS Hurricane Tracking provides storm tracking links to keep you posted.

10. Never stay on the boat when there’s a hurricane.

Tie down or remove as many items as you can. Take all of your valuable belongings and documents with you before leaving your boat.


You Can Turn a Damaged Boat or Car into a Lifesaving Tool

Do you own a boat or car or any other type of vehicle that has been severely damaged by a hurricane? Or, maybe you have an old vehicle that you no longer find useful? If you’re not interested in keeping and maintaining it anymore, you can retire it in the most meaningful way possible by donating it to us at Breast Cancer Car Donations. Doing so will make you a hero to the impoverished breast cancer patients in your area.

We will sell your donation through an auction and transfer the proceeds to breast cancer nonprofit organizations that are in partnership with us. These IRS-certified 501(c)(3) nonprofits use the funding we give them to deliver comprehensive breast health services to their beneficiaries, particularly breast cancer patients who are uninsured and financially struggling.

Thanks to your donation, the destitute breast cancer patients in your community will be given easy access to top cancer centers and receive financial assistance to cover the costs of their treatments, doctor consultations, hospital fees, medications, and other essential health care services. Other beneficiaries get to receive free breast cancer screening as well as cancer prevention, education, and counseling services.

To thank you for your generous donation, we’ll promptly mail you the 100% tax-deductible sales receipt of your car or boat days after its sale. This receipt will entitle you to claim the highest possible tax deduction in the next tax season.

You will also benefit from our free pickup and towing service, which we will provide you wherever your vehicle or vessel is parked or stored anywhere in the United States.

The best reward you’ll get, however, is the joy and satisfaction you’ll experience, knowing that your donation will help save lives.

Almost all types of boats and motor vehicles qualify for our donation program, including those that are outdated and no longer in good condition. You may check out this page to know the donations we usually accept.

For more information on our donation program, including our quick and easy donation process, head over to our FAQs page. Should you have any inquiries or concerns, feel free to send us a message here or contact us directly through our toll-free hotline at 866-540-5069.


Help Destitute Breast Cancer Patients Today!

It only takes a simple donation of a car or boat to make a lasting impact on the lives of cancer-stricken women in your local community. Call Breast Cancer Car Donations at 866-540-5069 or click here to donate now!


Last Updated: March 10th, 2023
